Falling apart,
into place
Sometimes when we think it’s all falling apart,
The truth is, It’s falling into placePanorama Production

Panorama Production has in collaboration with Panorama Agency and Panorama Academy created a line of projects during COVID-19 under the project name #fallingapartintoplace. The aim of the project is to give actors the opportunity to meet and work together in new innovative ways, to bring support by mentoring, and to elevate each other by creating a community across borders to come together as one. The project has successfully resulted in high engagement from actors all over the world.
Short Films
Panorama Production has in collaboration with Panorama Agency and Panorama Academy created a line of short films which reflects the extraordinary time that COVID-19 has brought upon us.
The project reflects the learning and insight we each have gained during COVID-19, and sheds a light on the values and goals that really matter to us. The short films shares the thoughts and feelings, frustrations and joys, each of us can relate to during this unusual time. We have created these films to create a common space in which we hope can help in bringing us closer together. The short films are about all the thoughts and feelings, frustrations and joy, each of us experience and can relate to during this unusual time.
We have created these films to form a common ground we all can mirror and move us closer together in our understanding of our values and each other.
Panorama Academy Short Films 2020
Panorama Production has in collaboration with Panorama Academy created a line of projects during COVID-19 under #fallingapartintoplace. The aim of the projects is to give actors the opportunity to meet and work together in new innovative ways, to bring support by mentoring, to elevate each other by creating a community, and to come together as one.
Panorama Academy actors got the assignment to write and produce 3 minutes short films about the extraordinary circumstances which the world-wide pandemic has brought upon us all and to reflect on the quote “Sometimes we think it’s all falling apart, when the truth is, it’s falling into place”
Despite the production limitations due to the COVID-19 lockdown, the actors faced many obstacles and had to be creative in using their own locations, camera, costumes, and network.
The actors have written, produced and many are also starring in their own short films.
The short films share the thoughts and feelings, frustrations and joys, each of us can relate to during this unusual time.
Follow our IG and FB as we present the short films day by day – with introductions from the actor themselves.
You can also watch the short films on Panorama Production website: https://panoramaproduction.com/falling-apart/
“Easy Iza!” is about Izabella’s corona life. Imagine Marie Antoinette as a single in Copenhagen in 2020 during the Corona crisis. It is a short film about how to most “easily” keep your head high during COVID-19…
Directed by:
Gina Alma Kulberg Marchwinski
Gina Alma Kulberg Marchwinski
Script by:
Gina Alma Kulberg Marchwinski
Idea by:
Gina Alma Kulberg Marchwinski

Panorama Agency Short Films 2020
Give Forward Monologues
During COVID-19, Panorama Academy offered free #giveforward sessions for actors across borders.
The #giveforward project has with great success facilitated an environment where we have been able to bring together actors from around the world to stand together in unity during these difficult times. During the #giveforward sessions, actors received mentoring and Q&A’s with Founder and Head of Creative, Lene Seested and Martin Jensen, Head of Business Affairs. The #giveforward project has given us the opportunity to meet new talented individuals, and it has created a new community for the #giveforward actors, where they unite, motivate, receives peer-feedback, and create together.
During the project, actors were given acting assignments in collaboration with our Ivana Chubbuck accredited teacher. We want to share selected monologues which they have written and performed during the COVID-19 lockdown.