
Video Description

Den Perfekte Kunde

A woman in COVID-19 quarantine has been asked by her father to show up at the family cafe. However, she is unsure why. As the woman is passing the time by having a conversation with an imaginary customer, she finds out somewhat surprised why the father asked her to should show up.

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Det Smitter

During COVID-19 chaos and quarantine, a woman has found joy in dancing. Home alone with the stereo booming, she goes wild as if she was standing at Wembley Arena. However, it turns out that an audience has found its way to the “show”, to the woman’s great regret.

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De nye film består af to filmserier, skabt helt fra idé til færdig film af Panorama Academys dygtige elever i samarbejde med Academys lærere og Panorama Agencys professionelle skuespillere.